Cause, Affect and Prevention of Erosion on Urban Trees

Soil ErosionSite clearing and land grading are two construction activities that typically increase soil erosion. These actions change the soil profile and structure, affecting the stability of the soil aggregates and the water infiltration rate. Not only does the site lose soil, but the resulting sediment can interrupt the normal exchange of soil gases. The effects of erosion may be reduced by redirecting or reducing the flow of water.

Signs of Erosion

  • Loss of soil at the site
  • Visible roots
  • Poor

Urban Forests: Understanding Associated Costs

Park in SC

A community receives many benefits from the urban forest; however, there are also costs associated with having a healthy urban forest. Estimates for tree costs in the U.S. range from $12.87 to $65 per tree (McPherson et al. 2005). Working towards the common goal of managing the urban forest to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs helps communities grow and develop while maintaining a healthy environment for current and future generations. A healthy urban forest requires a community investment.